Who Am I?


My name is David Grzesik, I am a Visual Effects Artist, a Maker, and a Chef based in Brooklyn. While I’m not tinkering and working, I like to cook. I like all types of foods, but particularly like Japanese cuisine!

This blog is supposed to serve as an archive of various recipes I discover, tweak, or create. I plan to go on a few adventures learning to make different dishes and hope to use this space as a place to consolidate important directions or methods that I learn that may be hard or intimidating to discover individually.

I hope this serves as a place for good recipes to be explained easily and simply, but put some extra options and important details so you can get a deeper understanding with what you are cooking. I want to convey how simple a lot of recipes are while having an outcome that is just delicious. Cooking can be easy, enjoyable, and way cheaper than the alternative. So try out a couple recipes and make something tasty.

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